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About Healing Hands

Healing Hands was founded in 2018 to better serve Anderson and its surrounding communities. Expanding to serve the entire state of Indiana, Healing Hands currently operates out of Indianapolis. Healing Hands Personal Services provides home health care to adults and pediatrics under Medicaid and Medicaid Waivers.

In 2022, Healing Hands Personal Services began admitting minors with disabilities who are recipients of the Health and Wellness and Traumatic Brain Injury Waivers. We proudly call these clients our Medically Complex Warriors. Due to the nursing shortage, parents and guardians are hirable to provide non-skilled care under Structured Family Caregiving to their minor child. Healing Hands Personal Services is proud to be an all-inclusive business that services all family dynamics.

tim paul

Tim Paul, Owner

Healing Hands is independently owned by Tim Paul with offices in Anderson and Indianapolis Indiana. Our agency is operated and managed by TPS Medical Holdings, LLC, which is also owned by Tim.

Tim is the proud father of four children, the youngest being twin boys! A resident of Fishers, Indiana, Tim loves being able to support families all across Indiana in need of home care

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