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How It Works for Caregivers

If you are caring for a loved one with Medicaid or a Medicaid Waiver, they may qualify for you to be their paid caregiver. At Healing Hands Personal Services, we have unique solutions for your unique situation. We offer Attendant Care and Structured Family Caregiving for pediatrics, adults, and seniors. These programs can reduce your financial concerns so you can focus on your child, mom, grandpa, aunt, dad, or friend.

Do You Have to Live With Your Loved One to Be Their Paid Caregiver?

Not always! While Structured Family Caregiving does require you to live together, Attendant Care does not.

Do you offer pediatric programs?

Yes! We have a dedicated pediatric program. Our staff specializes in pediatric care because kids have different needs and concerns than our adult patients. We know that having a medically complex child affects the entire family, not just the patient and the caregiver.

Not sure if your loved one qualifies? We’d love to talk to you! Please call us at 317-788-0777 or fill out the form below.

Contact Us for Current Caregiver Job Openings