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How It Works for Patients

Nothing is more comforting than home, which is why at Healing Hands Personal Services, we provide unique home care solutions for your unique situation. If you qualify for Medicaid or a Medicaid Waiver, you may qualify to have a paid family member care for you at home. They can help you with tasks like grocery shopping, doing laundry, taking a bath, or reminding you to take your medication.

two people sitting outside

Does Your Caregiver Have to Be a Family Member?

No! A trusted friend, neighbor, or other acquaintance can care for you as well. Indiana requires all caregivers to pass a background check, TB test, and be CPR certified. We will help anyone you choose to walk through these steps online or in one of our Indiana locations.

Not sure if you qualify? We’d love to talk to you. Please call us at 317-788-0777 or fill out the form below.

Contact Us for Current Caregiver Job Openings